Friday, February 22, 2008

Poga Moonga Juice, Can this really be true?

Poga Moonga Juice, Is it really true?

We all want to be healthy but eating right and getting the proper exercise is sometimes difficult because of our busy daily schedules. So many people look for supplements to help keep them healthy. All you need to do is watch TV for an hour and you’ll see a commercial for everything about your health. If you feel run down, try the new 4-hour energy drink! If you’re worried about catching the “bug” or a cold, they have commercials for that. Try the new “?”, stop the cold before you get it! Let’s be realistic, these quick fix gimmicks don’t really work. The fact is the only real way to get the energy you need, naturally, is to take a product like Moringa. Moringa is so amazing it will give you endless, natural energy all day, not just for a couple hours and there’s never any crashing, like normal energy drinks.

Then there’s the stuff they try to sell you promising to stop colds before you get them. The only way to stop a cold or a bug is to make sure your immune system is strong and you have all the natural antibiotics you need. This is what Aloe Vera does for you. It keeps your immune system strong and supplies you with antibiotics, naturally. When your immune system is low, it is easier to catch everything going around and even getting illnesses from things you already have in your body. My mother is 71 years old. She woke up one day with tremendous pain in her arm. She went to the doctor only to find out she had chicken pox. Can you believe a person can still get chicken pox, in this day and age? The doctor told her it has been in her body for years but only came out and affected her because her immune system was low. You can carry many things in your body but as long as your immune system is strong it won’t affect you and the older you get the weaker your immune system gets. That’s why elderly people have a hard time recovering from any illness. So, it is very important to keep your immune system strong.

After coming back from my vacation last week, one of the guys’s showed up for work coughing and sniffling. He had been sick all weekend. He had the latest bug going around. You know how that works. You get sick, and then you share it with everyone you come in contact with. The first thing you think is “stay away from me” I don’t want what you have. But, it never fails; you know your going to get it too. Then you’ll go home and get everyone else sick. But for the first time since I can remember, I didn’t catch it. I worked all week with him and still never got sick. Then I realized I have been taking Poga Moonga Juice for about 3 months now and the aloe vera has built my immune system up and was keeping it strong, that’s why I didn’t get sick. No new miracle pill being sold by the drug company, no flu shot, just good old aloe vera.

Remember when you were 20 years old and you never got sick. You could party all night and go to work the next day. Well, the older you get the more it changes for the worst. I’m 52 now and I know if I stayed up all night drinking and partying I would be pretty useless for a couple days. I know I would wake up in the morning after 2 hours sleep and feel like I was run over by a small truck. There would be no way I was going to work. I also noticed every year it seems I catch more colds, the flu and any bug going around. I also noticed I feel more run down, have less energy. But, now, only 3 months after taking Poga Moonga Juice, I feel healthier than I have in a long time. I sleep better, feel rested when I wake, am not as moody (just ask my wife), don’t catch every bug that comes around and have endless natural energy, all day long. All I know is there won’t be a day I don’t get my 3 oz fix in the morning. I don’t want this new healthy, feeling to ever go away. ”It’s Just Your Health”

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Healthy is, what healthy does!

Last year my parents, aunt and uncle came to visit me for my birthday. Every morning they saw me take a 3 oz. shot of something with my coffee. Finally, they ask, what it was. I told them it’s a natural supplement that has been helping me with my cholesterol, high blood pressure and stomach problems. Then I found out my dad had acid reflux, my aunt had IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and my mom had arthritis. So I offered them to try it for a couple days, knowing how much it has helped me. To all their amazement, in 2 days my dad stopped taking his, $6.00 a pill prescription for his acid reflux. Three weeks later my mom said her arthritis felt a lot better and she had less pain. But the most amazing result was my aunt, who, after only 4 days of trying it, for the first time in 4 years, could eat a normal meal, without the pain and discomfort of IBS she was suffering from.

I was just as amazed as they were that one natural supplement had such positive effects on so many different ailments, in so many people. After a lot of research, I found that the combination of pomegranate and moringa (which I have never heard of before), were great for high blood pressure, cholesterol and arthritis. And the aloe vera was great for most digestive problems. From my research I found that the antioxidants from the pomegranate; the phytochemicals ( Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that have no nutritional value but contain protective and disease preventive properties) of aloe vera and the amino aids, vitamins and healing properties of moringa, seem to make quite an amazing supplement.

Now 3 months later, my doctor is still amazed at my cholesterol and high blood pressure and my slight stomach problems are gone, my father doesn’t buy his $6.00 a pill medicine for his acid reflux, my mom has less pain and more movement with her arthritis and my aunt doesn’t suffer from the burning and discomfort of IBS. It helped me but I wasn’t sure it would help. So I figured, I’ll just get them to try it and see what happens. What do they have to loose? But what if, what if it can help them. What’s more important than family and health? And being able to help your family with their health, it can’t get any better than that. Poga Moonga Juice, “It’ Just Your Health”

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sick and tired of being sick and tired?

aloe vera, moringa, poga moonga juice, pomegranate, whole food supplements

I remember how healthy I was when I was younger. I was strong, never got sick, could stay up all night and work the next day. But the older you get the more you realize it’s was all down hill from them days. Sure you want to believe things haven’t changed but realistically you know, you can’t stay up all night and work the next day. You have aches and pains you never had when you were younger. And you know it’s time to get the flu shot or you’ll probably caught that cold going around at work.

So, you try almost anything, to be healthier because you know things can only get worst with age. So you try to eat right, and get some exercise like your doctor recommends but it’s hard to follow that diet because you just lover those cookies and it’s hard to get to the gym every day because something always happens to prevent you from going. You feel like you don’t have the energy you use to have, you don’t sleep as well as you use to and now you have problems with your stomach and old age is just setting in. When you think about it, it’s really funny that we come into this world with no teeth, wearing a diaper, can ‘t even hold your head up by yourself and being pushed around in a stroller and then, 80 years later, we are the same.

You realize that the older you get the harder it is to recover from anything. You know this from your own experiences and seeing older people having to deal with it. I know an elderly woman who died because she feel and broke her hip and I also remember when I was 20 years old, I broke my ankle and got a cast and was back to work 2 days later. Here is my own personal experience. I am 52 years old and have been in construction for 25 years. I have lived in south Florida for the last 12 years. Winters are nice but summers are killer with very high humidity and temperatures. I always stayed in good shape and got plenty of exercise. I have broken a lot of bones over the years but always recovered quickly. Then 3 years ago, 2 days before Christmas, I was doing a roof and feel off. It was about 17 fell to the ground. Now I have fallen from that high before but never really got hurt bad, you know sprained ankles and stuff. But this time was different.

I knew the second time I tried to get up and couldn’t something was very wrong. I had ripped the ball out of my hip socket, fractured 4 vertebra in my lower back, chipped the socket in my hip and cut the ball in half. Yes, I actually cut the 3-inch ball where my leg connects to my hip right in half. The doctor considered my age and what shape I was in and decided to screw the ball back together instead of a hip replacement. It took 6 months for that bone to heal. He said I wouldn’t be able to do construction again and would have to find another job. Fast forward, 6 months later. After only 2 weeks of rehab I was walking again. Against my doctors wishes I went back to my job. You see I could not find another job that would replace the kind of money I made, so I had no choice.

But something was different. I could not deal with the heat and humidity like I did before the accident. I felt run down, always tired and didn’t sleep well. I started drinking energy drinks every morning along with coffee but by 10:30 I was sitting in my truck with the AC blowing on my face. I needed to find something to get back the feeling I had before the accident. So I tried every kind of natural stuff I could find because I never did like taking pharmaceutical drugs. I tried most of the stuff on the market today. Noni juice, Goji Juice, you name it but none of them helped. The finally I found something that amazes me too this day. I sleep better, I fell energized when I wake up and have unlimited natural energy all day. Now the heat and humidity doesn’t bother me, like it did before the accident.

I was so amazed with this stuff I gave it to most people I know and my family. I figured it could help them if helped me. Needless to say they all take it daily and it has helped them with many different ailments they suffered from. One takes it for controlling his cholesterol and high pressure. Another because it helps relieve the pain she has from her arthritis, another person takes it for his acid reflux and my aunt takes for her IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which is the only thing that has helped her in 4 years. I have never seen one product positively affect the health of so many people. And they thank me every time I see them, what more could you ask for, than being able to help people you care about be healthier. All I can say id try it, and see for yourself. What do you have to loose but better health. You can always go back to your prescriptions you get from your doctor. But what if, what if, it is something that can truly change your health for the better. Poga Moonga Juice “Its Just Your Health”

Friday, February 1, 2008

Asthma and Poga Moonga Juice

There are many people who suffer with asthma. A shortness of breath, gasping for air, the wheezing and other symptoms can be very scary. It’s hard to imagine how scary it feels if you don’t actually suffer from it. I have seen how debilitating asthma can be. My fiancĂ©e has been suffering with severe asthma for many years. And on op of the asthma she has to deal with allergies. She couldn’t be around any dogs or cats without sneezing and her eyes getting puffy. Many times this would aggravate her asthma. She has a small “puffer”, just like primatine mist, which you can buy in the drug store but prescription strength, which we had to make sure she never ran out of. It seemed every half hour she would take a puff.

For the last couple years, it seemed we had it under control. No major problems. But in February of 2007, she was rushed to the hospital. She was there for 5 days while they monitored her. She was in pretty bad shape, wheezing and coughing and having to use the nuebulizer every 15 minutes. After 5 days she was sent home but this time with a nebulizer like they had in the hospital. You plug it in the wall and a little motor turned the drops to a mist for her to breath. It was weeks before she could actually leave the house without her nebulizer. Over the next several weeks she got a little better each day. Until she was back using her little puffer again.

Thinks were getting much better, then 3 months after she got out of the hospital she was admitted again. Again she was in for 5 days. The doctor couldn’t tell me, if something had triggered her asthma again or why, it seemed to go down hill again after just a couple months. Again it was a replay of what had happened. She was sent home and she started over again. It seemed every thing the doctor gave her and told her were not helping.
Was this be a glimpse of what we would be dealing with every couple months?

So I started doing research about any natural way she could help relieve the severity of her asthma. While doing research, I remembered, that the supplement I have been taking for 3 months had research saying it helped people with respiratory problems including asthma. I had been taking it for my cholesterol, high blood pressure and acid reflux and I had experienced amazing results using it. It was natural and I knew it would be ok for her to try it even while taking the prescription drugs she was taking. So I convinced her to just try it for a couple weeks and see how she felt.

To our amazement, after just 5 weeks of taking it many of her symptoms were greatly reduced or gone. She didn’t need to use her puffer every hour. She wasn’t popping her prescription and allergy pills like candy like she had been. I’m not saying it cured her bad allergy and asthma but it defiantly improved the severity of it. Now. 4 months later, she barely ever takes any allergy pills and doesn’t take any prescription drugs. She has put her nebulizer away in the back of the closet and her little puffer, well. She has one but she’s not sure where it is. Before it was like a whistle on a police officer, it never left her side.

The prescription pills, the allergy pills, the puffers and the drops for the nebulae added up to a nice chunk of money every month, that we now do not spend. But most importantly is the fact that she has never felt this good about her breathing problems she has always has to deal with. Of course she has had some flare ups, but minor ones and nothing like the ones she use to have which put her in the hospital. And I have learned some thing. Our body is the most amazing thing on the planet. It can fix anything wrong with it as long as you give it what it needs to do it and without turning to pharmaceutical drugs. I guess the combination of the Moringa, which has been used for centuries for treating hundreds of illnesses and disease and the aloe vera, which has unbelievable immune building and antibacterial properties have had a very positive effect on her breathing problems.

I would recommend anyone suffering with the same problems to just try something like this product. Just being healthier is the only thing that’s important other than family. If you can improve your health, your doctor visits will reduce, your dependence on drugs will be less and spending time in the hospital will be less, all of which will help you live longer and healthier. Poga Moonga Juice, “Its Just Your Health”